straighten it, then use de-frizzer... a really good kind is called zero frizz finish fix... it also keeps your hair from getting dry and dead, plus, it thins ur hair and makes it soft and managable. i got it from wal-mart too!
What to do with my puffy hair? i have a very thick hair but i dont know what to do.?
Have you tried using a flat iron? Ceramics are the best. And don't forget to use some sort of spray or gel that has thermal protectors in it to prevent damaging your hair. This works really well, even if your hair is straight.
What to do with my puffy hair? i have a very thick hair but i dont know what to do.?
You can use a curling iron to tame your hair. If you don't want curls or waves, just turn your hair under very slightly.
Hope that helps~
What to do with my puffy hair? i have a very thick hair but i dont know what to do.?
if you have REALLY thick hair i would suggest a CHI flat iron.. although its $120 oh wait i guess there having a sale. it really makes your hair smooth and silky! and also you should get a bottle of "Silk Ifusion" that also makes your hair smooth but it also adds shine. If you don't want a CHI flat iron. you can get a pink,purple,or black straightner from Coralasis heres the site.. this straightner is awesome cause it heats up in 6 seconds!
What to do with my puffy hair? i have a very thick hair but i dont know what to do.?
You could use a flat iron combined with this amazing gel I started using. It's the VO5 straightening gel which straightens hair and protects it from heat damage. I also have frizzy hair and when I use this gel it makes it look so healthy and shiny! Definitely worth a try, it's like $5.
What to do with my puffy hair? i have a very thick hair but i dont know what to do.?
A flat iron does work but it can make your hair even frizzier so use like gel or hair spray if it doesn't work run your hands under water a few times a day a wet the top of your head a lil bit and run your hands down it it keeps its laying staight on the top and less frizzy too! I go through this too and I do that all the time and have recomened it to my friends when they see me doing it and they've even said it works so can be a pain in the butt LOL so I wish you the best of Luck with it cuz anyone with hair needs it LOL!
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